2023.1.11 メディアAchievements (Japanese) NHKスペシャル 超・進化論(3) 「すべては微生物から始まった〜見えないスーパーパワー〜」放映のお知らせ 2021.10.12 OthersAchievements (Japanese) 極めて安定な天然赤色色素を分解できるバクテリアを発見 2021.1.18 OthersAchievements Introduced in Nature Reviews Microbiology, Under the Lens. 2020.10.23 OthersAchievements Introduced in Science, Editors’ Choice. 2020.6.23 Papers・Books/Book ChaptersAchievements Isolation of a novel Co2+-resistant bacterium and the application of its siderophore in Co2+ recovery from an aqueous solution 2020.6.23 Papers・Books/Book ChaptersAchievements Peculiarities of biofilm formation by Paracoccus denitrificans 2020.6.23 Papers・Books/Book ChaptersAchievements Generating Controlled, Dynamic Chemical Landscapes to Study Microbial Behavior 2020.6.23 Papers・Books/Book ChaptersAchievements Inhibitory activities of kukoamines A and B from Lycii Cortex on amyloid aggregation related to Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes 2020.6.23 Papers・Books/Book ChaptersAchievements Cracking Open Bacterial Membrane Vesicles 2020.6.23 Papers・Books/Book ChaptersAchievements Milesina thailandica, a second rust fungus on an early diverged leptosporangiate fern genus, Lygodium, found in Thailand 1 2 3 … 15 »
2020.6.23 Papers・Books/Book ChaptersAchievements Isolation of a novel Co2+-resistant bacterium and the application of its siderophore in Co2+ recovery from an aqueous solution
2020.6.23 Papers・Books/Book ChaptersAchievements Peculiarities of biofilm formation by Paracoccus denitrificans
2020.6.23 Papers・Books/Book ChaptersAchievements Generating Controlled, Dynamic Chemical Landscapes to Study Microbial Behavior
2020.6.23 Papers・Books/Book ChaptersAchievements Inhibitory activities of kukoamines A and B from Lycii Cortex on amyloid aggregation related to Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes
2020.6.23 Papers・Books/Book ChaptersAchievements Milesina thailandica, a second rust fungus on an early diverged leptosporangiate fern genus, Lygodium, found in Thailand