


アブラムシ細胞内共生系における物質輸送に関する研究で著名な Prof. Alex Wilson (University of Miami, USA) に講演いただきます。




Date: 7 December 2021 09:00 (JST)-

Platform: Zoom Meeting

Lecturer: Prof. Alex Wilson (University of Miami, USA)

Title: The Host/Symbiont Interface

Abstract: Endosymbiosis is old, and often essential for host reproduction and/or survival. All obligate endosymbionts face the challenge of evading host immunity while securing sufficient host resources to persist. All hosts of endosymbionts face the challenge of maintaining growth and reproduction – while housing an obligate endosymbiont. Wilson will talk about her group’s work in the aphid/Buchnera model of endosymbiosis – work that has focused on elucidating the mechanisms that operate at the host/symbiont interface to support host development, growth and symbiont transmission.

Prof. Wilson’s website